Psychoeducational Evaluations

Our psychoeducational evaluations are crafted to evaluate how a child learns, to identify strengths and areas of lagging skills or problems, and to illustrate how a child is functionally participating in their educational and social environment. This comprehensive assessment examines not only overall aptitude and academic achievement in fundamental skills like reading, writing, and math but also extends its reach to psychosocial development. By employing a holistic approach, we navigate through a spectrum of childhood disorders and co-occurring differences, aiming to provide a nuanced understanding of an individual's educational and social participation. 

This evaluation proves exceptionally valuable when seeking school support via an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and when addressing a complex interplay of challenges simultaneously, such as the coexistence of dyslexia and Autism. Parents often seek this evaluation for a deeper understanding of their child's behavior and informed parenting strategies. 

Its nuanced approach goes beyond a singular focus, offering a comprehensive understanding of various factors that may impact an individual's learning and development. Whether navigating educational accommodations or deciphering the intricate intersection of multiple challenges, this assessment serves as a strategic tool for informed decision-making, ensuring tailored support that recognizes the unique needs of each individual.

See below for product descriptions.

Psychoeducational Evaluation + Summary Report includes ($3250)

  • Diagnostic impressions (DSM-V diagnosis)

  • Individualized recommendations based on diagnostic findings

  • Summary of testing data, tools,observations, methodologies used during the evaluation. 

  • Appendix of scores and psychometric instruments

  • (if applicable) parent-facing feedback meeting

  • (if applicable) child-facing feedback meeting

Psychoeducational Evaluation + Comprehensive Report includes ($5500):

  • Diagnostic impressions (DSM-V diagnosis)

  • Individualized recommendations based on diagnostic findings

  • Substantial review of developmental, educational, medical, diagnostic records and interviews

  • Thorough review and analysis of testing data including a deep dive into the nuances and patterns within the scores

  • Summary of testing data, tools,observations, methodologies used during the evaluation

  • Appendix of scores and psychometric instruments

  • (if applicable) parent-facing feedback meeting

  • (if applicable) child-facing feedback meeting