Welcome to TheraTree Community!  We are here to help you through the most challenging of circumstances. We are committed to supporting you and your family find support through a comprehensive range of family and community-based services. 


Our Mission

At TheraTree we recognize the value in honoring each individual, child, and family unit as having its own set of strengths and challenges. We also recognize that the communities we reside in have an integral role in supporting growth and wellness. The TheraTree Community therapeutic approach seeks to provide healing to the communities that surround our clients so that we all flourish. Through a holistic approach, we strive to integrate mental health and wellness into the fabric of our communities.

We Aim to…

  • Create a safe space for healing 

  • Support families by creating systems of change and prosperity 

  • Teach foundational skills for building healthy and meaningful relationships

  • Provide psycho-education regarding child development, parenting strategies, and the implications of mental health problems

  • Help families navigate support systems in their community

  • Offer both in-person and tele-therapy sessions for group therapy workshops, individual sessions, and family therapy sessions 

  • Address mental health challenges through an evidence-based framework

“For years mental health professionals taught people that they could be psychologically healthy without social support, that “unless you love yourself, no one else will love you.”…The truth is, you cannot love yourself unless you have been loved and are loved. The capacity to love cannot be built in isolation.”

― Bruce D. Perry, The Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog: And Other Stories from a Child Psychiatrist's Notebook